카테고리 없음

DCS DEVICE SERVER v3 Manual (eng)

hopi 2019. 4. 12. 15:23



DCS Device Server

Dropbox를 통해 공유함


Download the server file and make sure update it.
Current version is v3.1.1.0

Notice (2020.07.21)
There is a very detailed manual written by Chaos_Out. (Thank you!)
You can download the manual from below link.

Notice (2020.04.24)
If your Operating System is Windows 7, then you need another dll file called 'api-ms-win-shcore-scaling-I1-1-1.dll'
You can search from Microsoft official web or forum or download it from below link.
(I suggest search from microsoft because it's dangerous to download dll file from the website)
Just copy the dll file to the folder where the dcs device server located.


DCS Device Server Version 3 Manual
(Manual for v3.0.1.0)

1. Main Window

pic 1. main window

1) Current Server Version

This shows current program version.
As you can see from this image, this server version is

2) Current Status Checklist

If you think there's some problem to use mobile application, you should check this status checklist window first.

3) Computer's Network Interface Card (Lancard) list

You can see your computer's Lancard (NIC) list and it's assigned ip/port number

4) DCS Saved Games path

This shows where DCS saved games folder is.
Various options info are stored in here.

5) DCS installed path

This shows where DCS World actually installed.

2. Main Window Control Area

pic 2. main window control

1) Options

You can use this for the change dcs device server's options.
Some feature will add here later version. (like auto update feature)

2) Open export settings window

You can open custom settings window when you click this.
In here, you can change your game's total resolution, game windows size etc.

3) Set value for Capture Frame per Second

You can set CFS value for your device server.
It you set this value high, you may experience FPS drop of your simulation.
You can change this value in realtime, so test proper value for your computer.

4) Check your public IP address for you computer.

Most computer will use local ip address (like 192.168.x.x) so, if you want to connect server via public IP, press this button will open webpage for check your public IP.
Most of user do not need this feature because mobile application will connect automatically.

5) Open DCS Saved games folder

If you double click this area, you can see saved games folder via file explorer.

6) DCS 게임 설치경로 열기

If you double click this area, you can see dcs installed folder via file explorer



pic 3. option window

If you click 1) from pic-2, you can see this option window

1) change language

Currently, only english/korean.
If you want to add another language, contact me and I will add that language later.

2) Restore to original 'options.lua'

This feature will revert option.lua to original file.
Sometimes, maybe you experience abnormal screen resolution and you may not see or press option button of DCS world simulation.
In this case, just launch device server and press this button wil revert options.lua file to original, so you can see your game properly. (Warning! all your previous options setting will disappear, use this feature at your descretion)


4. Game Selection Window

pic 4. game selection window

You may see this window when you press 2) button at pic-2 when you have multiple DCS version installed in your computer.
Choose the game that you want to set export MFCD for the mobile application

Currently, there's no feature that 'set every game of custom screen setting' mode.


5. Export Settings window

pic 5. Export settings window

1) Preview of game window

You can see total resolution, game screen size and position of exported MFCD in here.

2) Your system's monitor info

You can see your monitor's information in here.
Each monitor's current resolution and number.

3) Exported panel info

You can see exported MFCD's size and position information from here.

6. Export Settings Control

pic 6. export settings control

1) Game screen control cursor

You can set game screen's size while move this green cursor.
Notice that you cannot game screen size bigger than current resolution size so you must set resolution before move this cursor.

2) Resolution control cursor

You can set game total resolution while move this red cursor.
You must set this resolution first before you set game size.
And make sure bigger than game size for MFCD.

3) MFCD orientation change

You can change MFCD's orientation with this icon

4) MFCD position window icon

You can drag and drop this MFCD pair icon whenever you want.

5) Resolution virtual line

If your each monitor resolution is different, than you can see this virtual line of total resolution.


Hot to use mobile application with this device server

(This assumed that you have at least 2 monitor.)

  • Run Device Server first.
  • Press gear icon for export settings
  • Move red cursor and expand total resolution
  • Move MFCD icon for your need and make sure game screen and MFCD icon does not overlap each other.
  • press 'OK' and exit export settings window
  • Run mobile application app and make sure you connect to device server.
  • Run DCS World and launch proper airplane for your application.


  • If you exit DCS Device server than all settings you made (resolution and game size) will back to original before you launch dcs device server.
  • If you change the any options while you running DCS Device Server, exit the app will revert this option to original.



This trouble shooting will update from time to time so check this often.
If you did not find any useful information for your problem, contact me directly via ihopi73@gmail.com

  1. I have only one monitor at this time, can I use this app?

    Yes, you can use this app via virtual monitor.
    You can make your own virtual (fake) monitor using dongle or connect another monitor cable to your current monitor. (you can see previous youtube video for more information - https://youtu.be/Y3aSLqFJGmQ?t=90)

  2. I cannot see the exported MFCD in my app

    In this v3, all problem is not reported yet, so if you experience this problem, please contact me via e-mail.

  3. The buttons won't work

    This problem caused by another program that used export.lua and block key input other program. Just use clean export.lua and make sure you can use this app first and if you still have problem then contact me via e-mail.

  4. Screen resolution is set too big and I can't run DCS World properly. (cannot see the UI)

    You can experience this situation when server hang and reboot or cutoff power unexpectedly.
    In this case, just run DCS Device Server again and exit the program will fix your problem.

    Or, if you using server version under the 3.1.0.xx then you must update the server version.
    There was a bug that reading option.lua failed in some system, so you may cannot see the menu in the DCS.