CDU DEVICE for mobile app


hopi 2016. 2. 18. 10:05



PMDG 737ngx & 777x must be updated to SP1D or above

1. PMDG 737 NGX / 777x SETUP


   - Check PMDG 737 NGX install path

     default path : <FSX>\PMDG\PMDG 737 NGX\

   - Open 737NGX_Options.ini file for edit

   - Add these lines to that file





   - Check PMDG 777x install path

     default path : <FSX>\PMDG\PMDG 777x\

   - Open 777x_Options.ini file for edit

   - Add these lines to that file




In many case, this [sdk] section not exist at that file.

Just copy and paste these lines into that option file.

If you have [sdk] section already in that file,

Then replace that lines with above lines.

     EnableDataBroadcast ==> Export PMDG 737 NGX's event data

     EnableCDUBroadcast.0 ==> Export PMDG 737 NGX's left side CDU data

     EnableCDUBroadcast.1 ==> Export PMDG 737 NGX's right side CDU data

     The value '1' means 'ON'

2. Launch CDU Server windows program

When you try to launch this server program, it asked that you must allow network connection for this program.

If you press 'OK' button at that time, it will work well with no problem.

However, if you press 'NO' at that time, or you just cannot connect with android device, check 6-3 below.

3. DATAServer Descryption

Indicator light meaning.

Light.1 = When FSX or P3D program launched and server detects it

Light.2 = When FSX or P3D select PMDG 737NGX family or 777x plane

Light.3 = When FSX or P3D program send CDU data

Light.4 = When Server program received android client data


Clear Log Button -> Clear log info that currently displayed at server program.

4. How to use PMDG 737 NGX DEVICE app

      - Run CDUDEVICE_Server.exe program at windows.

      - Run PMDG_cduapp at android device

      - Load your flight environment with PMDG 737 NGX

5. How to communicate between server and android app?

When simulation loaded, cduserver received CDU info from 737 NGX or 777x

And the, server send this data through network (same zone only. ex.

When Android device catch this info, it automatically check server data and set server address.

After that, server program and android device communicate without any problem.

6. FAQ

Check first!

     - Android device must connect to wifi.

     - PC and Android device must be within same network zone

6-1. I can't see server CDU data

     - Make sure you follow setup gude (especially number 1!)

     - You must restart FSX/P3D when you edit PMDG option file

     - Check CDUServer program indicator.

- When indicator 1 & 2 on and press CDU button at PC's CDU and check indicator 3 light blink.

     - There's still no data showed, follow 6-3 step by step

6-2. I can see CDU data but input key does not work

     - Press 'back' button twice for program exit. And then relaunch it.

     - And then press PC's CDU button for reset server address for android device.

     - Check server indictor 4 light when you press android device's CDU button.

     - If you still cant send data to server, follow 6-3 step by step

6-3. Setup UDP PORT Rule for your PC

1) Open 'Control Panel' and type 'firewall' at top right coner, then select firewall.

(2) Select 'Advanced Settings' at the left side

3) There's two method, program and port.

   I'll explain how to add port rule.

   But you can choose whatever you want.

   At the 'Inbound Rule', right mouse button click and select 'New Rule'

4) Select 'Port' rule

5) Select 'UDP and 'Specific local port', input 9000

6) At the action, select 'Allow the connection'

7) Select all check value (or you can choose it) and press 'next'

8) Set Name and description(optional)

After that, press 'Finish'.

Make sure you must add 'Outbound rule' and open UDP 9000 also.

That is all.

Thank you.