Product news for PMDG Device Server (NGXu!)
A few days ago, PMDG Launches NGXu.
PMDG DEVICE Pro could not support NGXu at this time.
But currently test for the NGXu for the device pro is underway and I think it will support NGXu without any problem.
I will post update news in a few days.
- New NGX / QOS / TPS images for the PMDG Device Pro 1.9
<pic 1. 737 / 747 / 777 All Day Images for PMDG Device Pro>
- All CDU has it's own 3d model and texture.
<pic 2. CDU 3d model for the 777>
- All model has it's own night images with same color. (yellow, green, white)
- Unfortunately, I cannot add EFIS in this 1.9 version. (some may know that it will add in this version)
I will add this EFIS / MCP feature later.
- PMDG CDU Server 1.9 has auto update feature. So you don't need to download server from the website anymore.
Thank you